Britannic and 8x8 help Plus Dane Housing Improve Customer Experience

Connecting agents and tenants with new video engagement tool
Surrey, 19th January 2023 - Today Britannic Technologies, specialists in business communications and digital transformation services, announced that they have won a tender to supply Plus Dane Housing, a housing association, with the 8x8 cloud unified communications and contact centre solution.
Plus Dane owns and manages more than 13,500 homes across Merseyside and Cheshire employing almost 600 staff. They provide safe and secure homes to over 30,000 customers as well as delivering other services that support their customers to live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.
They constantly strive to improve customer experience by technological investment ensuring that their customers are provided with choice tailored to their individual circumstance. They wanted to augment the customer journey by offering a full omni channel contact centre so customers can choose how to contact Plus Dane whether that’s by phone, email, web chat or social media. It was also crucial to ensure they had 100% reliability of their phone system with a single platform to manage all telephony and customer interactions.
Increasing Communications and Collaboration
Plus Dane needed to replace their existing telephony solution to meet their objectives and agile working. They went out to tender and selected Britannic to design and deploy 8x8 XCaaS™ (eXperience Communications as a Service™), a single-vendor cloud communications and contact centre solution to ensure efficient communication and collaboration between colleagues and with external partners. Additionally, 8x8’s modern contact centre solution provides efficient, multi-channel (email, WhatsApp, phone call, etc.) communication for their customers.
Kate Jungnitz, Director of Customer Service from Plus Dane commented, “We were looking for a leading trusted provider in the housing market that understood our sector and how to help us manage the change to a new system. Their tender was extremely thorough and comprehensive and stood head and shoulders above the rest. We are excited to modernise our telephony, improve our efficiencies and the customer experience and look forward to working with them.”
New ways of working
Plus Dane is always open to innovative new ways of working and in the future will be using a video engagement tool to enhance their service delivery. Customers will be able to video call into the 8x8 contact centre to show the issue and the agent can then book an appointment with the correct colleague to resolve the problem. When the video engagement tool is rolled out it may also allow vulnerable customers to meet with their housing officer.
Jonathan Sharp, Director at Britannic Technologies commented, “We have over two decades of supplying communications platforms and contact centres to housing associations and sit on the Procurement for Housing framework as well as G-Cloud 13 and CCS Network Services 2. We are thrilled to be working with Plus Dane, alongside 8x8, on their digital transformation and look forward to utilising technology to improve their customer service and supporting their vision for the future.”
Improving flexibility
By modernising communications and the contact centre, Plus Dane will improve flexibility for employees enabling them to collaborate more easily and supporting agile working.
Russell Tilsed, VP, Sales EMEA at 8x8, said: “Our work with Britannic demonstrates the importance and benefit of fostering strong channel relationships to identify and solve customer pain points quickly and effectively. With 8x8 XCaaS, partners can provide organisations, such as Plus Dane, with a single-vendor cloud communications and contact centre solution to help meet their core objectives of ongoing cloud transformation, while also reducing costs and delivering a vastly improved customer experience offering. Further, 8x8’s CPaaS capabilities allow Plus Dane to be proactive and offer more engaging customer interactions, resulting in quicker problem resolution.”
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